Aerinravage's GamerCard

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hi, Loreal Customer Service?

Um, what is the expected lifespan of your crystal file? As a White Mage, the notion of a light crystal anything is appealing. I've been looking for something better than the paper emery boards I've been using to do my nails and someone recommended ceramics.

While CVS has ceramics, Target does not. But as I was there for other things I looked and found your crystal file. Eight dollars. I figured it should be at least comparable to a paper emery that costs about 25 cents.

The next day I had time to try it out. I started on my thumbnail and lines of the abrasive began coming off, revealing smooth glass beneath. I moved on to the others and before I'd finished my left hand more than half the material was gone on both sides.

The next day I returned it. I'll have to see if the LaCross ceramics at CVS work any better. They're the same price after all.

If it matters, the reason I'm looking for something different is that the paper emerys take too long. They last quite awhile and allow me to shape my nails as I please but they just take too long. I'm looking for something that can get the job done quicker.

Any ideas?

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