Aerinravage's GamerCard

Saturday, September 4, 2010

More Hard Work, Followed By Treats


Spent about 7 hours working in the garage, and the defrag is slowly taking hold. If we have any measure of success with the "sell/giveaway/donate/toss" pile, we may yet get a car into the garage!

All four of us worked in there this time, even grumpy Elder. Pregna-momma finally went through a number of her boxes and we threw out about 3 full cans' worth. Some of that was junk I fished out of the back corner, further clearing off the workbench I hope to move into the storage unit. The final two hours was spent by the Clones and I as we trucked two loads of stuff to the unit, settled a dispute with the library, got gas for Ape, and dropped off two bags to Goodwill.

Back home, it was 6:30 and we all got cleaned up. Then we went to the Loop, where I got a cajun chicken sandwich and an Oreo shake. Mmmm! We ate with Sis & Hubby and stopped at the mall on the way home. Sis was looking for a shower curtain and I wanted to browse a bit.

At Gamestop with Younger (what do I call him when Creature debuts?) the clerk turned on high-pressure mode when I mentioned reserving the GT5 SE and Younger asked about Super Scribblenauts. We'll reserve all right, but at OUR Gamestop. We both like their people! Much cooler!

Ape and I watched a little TV and I also tried to continue "Daughter of the Blood". I have no idea why but I just cannot get into a rhythm with this one. I like the setting and I can see a lot of potential. But when I'm not reading it, I don't spare it a second thought, unlike a lot of my other recent titles. It really reminds me of Burning Alive like that - I had a hard time getting through that one too, until near the end. Its sequel was MUCH more interesting, perhaps because of the foundation set by the first. I do so hope Daughter does the same.

In XI events, I resumed by hunt for a sheep liver, and after another dozen or so sheepies, got one off an orc. /sigh. With that quest done, I headed to Sandy to get the wood piece I need for the first of Cid's three quests. Oh crap. It only drops on the Carpenter's Landing barge, and each leg only spawns two monsters - three if I'm lucky. To make matters worse, this ferry eats up time and I'm soooo bored.


Work is getting better. My boss is making headway in moving daily support tasks off the devs, and I've actually spent a fair amount of time this week coding. I have a new validator I can use with the major enterprise project, and my big web project is making steady and on-time progress!

After work, we met C&R at Red Elephant. We had free apps and they had a free dessert. I enjoyed two BBQ chicken quesadillas and ordered a pizza deal as my meal. They have an unusual sauce, but I like it. We followed that with group-shopping at Target then home

After chilling with Ape, I jumped on XI and decided to continue on with my questing and CoP soloing. After finishing the cutscenes for the Slanderous Utterings mission, I started "X Marks the Spot". More like, "Have fun slaughtering sheep and orcs for a shot at a 2% drop needed to trigger a fetch-quest". I fell asleep in Lufaise Meadows after killing about 20 sheep and avoiding Flockbock's random wanderings.


We had an early-morning appointment for Creature's three-month check. This time, the images were much clearer and she (being optimistic here) was very wriggly at first, and she even waved at us! Then she stopped all movement and wouldn't face the way the tech needed her to. It was cute watching the tech prod Ape's belly trying to move Creature!

Watched Haruhi #2 - This is definitely a goofy show, but it's that good warm-n-fuzzy kind of goofy. I also watched some of the extras, including a couple of the live-action ASOS Brigade vids. Cute and cheesy, like great cosplay theater should be. I think - I don't have a lot of XP there yet ^^


Watched Claymore #2. The conclusion of the Teresa backstory was surprisingly touching. Teresa seemed so cold but came to really care for little Clare. THe look of surprise on her face (and Clare's too I suppose) when the Awakened Yoma finished her in a surprise attack was shocking. Now I really want to see how Clare ascends the Claymore ranks. Number 47 lol.

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