Aerinravage's GamerCard

Sunday, May 15, 2011

An Offer I Couldn't Refuse

(I'll try to limit the "don" jokes)

After a full afternoon of yardwork, Elder and I met with the rest of the weekend crew for pizza. On arriving, my nephew (the one who had First Communion with the Clones yesterday) came up to me. A little sheepishly, he asked if I'd be his godfather. While the adults had talked about this for some time, I was a bit surprised, but accepted his honor graciously.

I'll leave the northern family drama for another time, but basically, for reasons that are meaningful only to him, the original godfather has chosen to stop associating with the southern families. His loss!

So that means I'll get to be involved in his Confirmation as well as that for the Clones - neat!

Now, to get my cut of his car wash business... (oops! Sorry!)

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