Aerinravage's GamerCard

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Slow, Soggy Sunday

I woke latish after my long XI night. Ape was up already cleaning in anticipation of her aunt's visit from TN, who hasn't visited us here in ages. This is the aunt we usually see in the mountains at Thanksgiving. It was well that we were getting indoor stuff done as it was a pretty rainy day. Nice to have it though! And I like how Younger likes storms and cloudy skies as I do ^^

I helped with the cleaning where I could but I think Ape sees how much of the clutter is hers. Prolly doesn't get me off the hook tho ^.~ She's been making a lot of headway though and there is a definite feeling of openness building. It's very nice!

Younger spent most of his day on TFM, making up for all the lost time. Maybe I should see about digging up my disc binders and loading up some of the stuff I've bought since TFM bit the dust...

Later, I stayed at Sis's with all the boys save Younger, so he mom and Mimi could do some graduation-day clothes shopping. I read the first 55 pages of Eclipse to pass the time.

Dinner was The Loop and later at home we tried to endure the MTV Movie Awards. What we saw was awful. Kate Plus Eight was better. And I mean that seriously. I enjoyed Kate over MTV. Viacom? Taking notes?

During this time I soloed in Zi'tah. Why it took me so long to find the wiki page with all the field manuals, page specs and the level ranges. Much easier to plan solo days! I got 48 this way, but it's slow work...

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