Aerinravage's GamerCard

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Capital Hill - Day 1

Day 1 - The Departure

Today's plan? 14-odd hours on a bus. With 32 kids, 12 parents, plus Al the driver and police officer. Dear Lord, please give me the strength...

Up at 4:15am, at the Stadium at 5:30, helping another dad (let's call him DJ) load the holds with luggage, chairs and sundries. Actually, this Dad Duo would be a pretty constant thing on this trip. More on that later. On the road at 6am.

We were on the hook for breakfast and lunch today, then all other meals would be provided. Last night, Ape packed our bag with snacks, fruit, and, for me, four sammies. Two deli meat standards, paired with PB&J. Shortly after our departure, I ate my breakfast pair, while Ape commented on the coffee fashionistas. I read for much of the first leg, digging into Cast in Courtlight. I think I'm going to really like this series, provided it doesn't go off the rails in the later volumes, the way Piers Anthony's seem to.

Lunch was at a South Carolina rest stop. As one of only two dads on the trip, restroom security fell to DJ and me. Yay. It didn't help my mood that this particular facility smelled and I inadvertently stood watch long after our patrols had finished, as other busloads of patrols had been filing in the whole time. And many of the kids (of all groups) were fond of shaking water off their hands and much of it landed on me. If you don't know my feelings for being sticky or dirty, guess.

About an hour before dinner. Bus Seven decided it didn't like its transmission and Al stopped us at a rest area. When Bus Seven the Second arrived, we piled on without the items in the holds. Later at dinner (Country Buffet) we had to wait while Bus Seven the Second returned to the rest area for our things, and then back to us. All told it wasn't a big wait, as the dining progress was slowed by the fact the building was prolly full to Fire Marshall capacity of 510. My dinner? I did a sampler: bourbon chicken & rice, a chicken nugget, pizza slice, corn, mac & cheese, and a roll. Plus ice cream and lots of mini orange slice candies - nom!

Arrival at the Best Western was at 9-ish, and after unloading, check-in, long elevator lines and settling the boys (Younger, a friend we'll call K, and another boy whose parents were unable to travel with us, A) it was just after 10 when Ape and I finally had time to breathe. I really don't remember what we did, besides maybe some TV and web surfing... Bed by midnight.

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