Aerinravage's GamerCard

Sunday, June 14, 2009



Besieged? What else?


Besieged earlier in the day capped Divine. All that's left is Club, if I want the last 3 points. (offline to do stuff) Back on, went to the Tree to try soloing the last few points. Met Stoik farming Goobbues and asked if he'd help - yes. By the waterfall, work was slow as we had to keep zoning. I died a couple times but with RR, no harm. Later, got Archer up there and had better luck. Got capped and Stoik got some BLU SUs.


Full day prepping for fight. Shopping, macro work, strategy tweaks. Also setting up recorder. At 7:20 or so entered the arena and got owned again. I screwed up my startup and lost slept TP ><

Went to farm another and got more help: Arch and Fal at first, then Vet and Derf. Took far longer for the third test than other two but eventually got it. On second fight of the night I followed a much better procedure and engaged. It seems I can do my full procedure in 5 minutes, leaving 5 for the fight.

Hexa did about 30% damage. TWICE, with DS, he resisted Repose! And I have cap + 15 macroed in!

Wasn't planning on one more melee but I wonder - hexa, fight to, hexa, wing hexa and holy - would it be enough?

Forgot flash prior to cures, woild have been a lot better I think. MND and ATT macros seem to work well.


Anonymous said...

Hey Aerin!! Hows it going? Alima and I wanted to say hi. Looks like you've been having fun. Glad to see that RDB is starting to come back. and glad GD is still going too. We've been busy with school and work. Hope all is well. Talk to you soon.

Aerinravage said...

Doing great! If you read the latest I can finally finish WHM lol

These days busy with school and work is probably a blessing - I hope you two are doing well!

Stop by soon - maybe you'll be back in time for my wedding, if we ever get that sorted out ^^