Aerinravage's GamerCard

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Historic Moment

On Tuesday, just after noon, I made it to our company breakroom. Which was full of people watching the Inauguration events. I snuck in about 2 minutes before Senator Obama took his oath (Who goofed? Roberts or Obama? Hmmm?!) and became Prez #44.

I loved his speech and I hope he meant it. I voted for you Sir and I hope I don't live to regret it. I know much needs to be done and it doesn't all fall on you. I just hope you continue to inspire and give hope to all America as you did to your supporters before your history-making election.

Change is coming indeed - change has already begun. May it all be progress and not regression!

Oh, other historic news - Fhox is logging in regularly and many of the Old Guard are partying/farming/skilling together in places like Onzozo.

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