Aerinravage's GamerCard

Monday, December 7, 2009

Summoning Friends

My late login was made later by the Synergy/Evolith update. Autumn was having a Jungle party but as I arrived, they planned to disband. Got maybe 10 minutes of actual XP.

Went back in time to work on "Tigress Strikes" Wings quest. All I need now is the Fort NPC CS, then the NM fight. Deej was asking about Tele-Vahzl so I opted to go see him. He was joined by Vavant, headed to the LB2 fights. I tagged along and the fights were cake. Vavant was very impressive on SMN, if a little proud.

They then planned to go get Leviathan and I had to leave >< He's the last avatar I need before going for the full whisper set! Prolly should have stayed on because I couldn't sleep with the news of a rash of car breakins.

Shortly before leaving, a number of presumably younger Rogues began chatting a little scatologically. I /sighed to both Deej (who was actively ignoring them) and Autumn (who asked them to knock it off). I didn't mean for Autumn to do that but with the sheer number of people on (and many were female) the subject matter was bound to offend or at least annoy.

Dark sent a bunch of POL messages. Isa had her baby (!) and he changed servers (!)

Wound up surfing the web: Found Autumn's homework novella (The Giver, Lois Lowry). Read some tech news and also visited the FF14 site. Saw that FF11 for PS2 is in fact getting very pricey. Can't remember who wanted it for PS3 play...

Earlier, went looking in the garage for classic toys and found many of the missing library books instead! Now I can finally clear my card after 13 years! Seriously!

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