Aerinravage's GamerCard

Monday, December 14, 2009

Library Card - Activate!

After 15 years, my library card is active again! I dropped Clone the Younger off at Tae Kwon Do then went to the library with the found books. The clerk was able to clear my card after some fussing, then I paid the $20 fine. She tried to give me a new card (with a new number) but I wouldn't have it. I have a 5-digit card number and the current ones are like 5 mil. I got that card 25 years ago and I'm keeping it! Now, to find out how to generate a barcode since the original card is long lost...

Picked up Burning Alive (Shannon K. Butcher) and Daughter of the Forest (Juliet Marillier). Burning Alive is the paranormal romance recommended to me weeks ago by Soho. The other was on my reading list.

Soloed briefly with Deej as the planned Assaults never started. Later, went to help him with PLD unlock but he opted to put it off and I went to bed.

Oh, postscripty... Is Ape still taking potshots at me? Watching Leno's 9 @ 9 bit with Tim McGraw, it was revealed that Mr. Faith Hill likes Neil Diamond and Olympic figure skating (men's and women's). I made a crack about "investigating further" to which Ape replied that he and I had something in common. Wha~? Which part? /sigh...

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