Aerinravage's GamerCard

Friday, December 4, 2009


My time back after Thanksgiving has been nuts. I've been working a lot of OT and Ape's been hogging the laptop. Also, the other laptop is dying...

(Addendum) Sunday 11/29 - Mimi was the only person to notice my nails - she gave me a nice compliment on the drive home.

Tuesday 12/01 - Took the day off.

Wednesday 12/02 - Had a long wait for Besieged, and got to duo with Bwynn. Afterwards, went Crimson Key drop farming with Kit. This mini-quest gets you a once-a-day shot at the Tenshodo Treasure Coffer. Got Erase, not Ususemi: Ni... Kepi was upset over lack of COR unlock help from the Rogues - mentioned to Deej I tried Monday but no time... Tried then to explain just how long it takes and how dangerous it can be. Need to direct her to my post about the run I went on prior.

Something about a stranger comforting Autumn over her BF changing servers?

Thursday 12/03 - Took off. Got my DDR PS3 adapter (my anniversary) for my CobaltFlux pad and tried it out - works great! I haven't been able to dance IRL for ages because my US PS2 is shot and my dance pad doesn't work on USB. Other PS2 to USB adapters failed me.

On Survivor, it was auction day (good stuff), Russell already found the idol John bought a clue to, lol. Private Practice was OK, interesting stuff with Addy's parents and Dell's wife blowing up the kitchen.

Friday 12/04 - It's date night! - We skipped the movie, opting to shop late-night Christmas sales and found only a few things. Much later, I got into another shell party (+Namkrow) in Qufim, on RDM. Went from 37-39, and just need 13k more for Convert and Refresh! Yay!

Random thoughts back from vacation. I've decided I have the following elemental affinities: Thunder, ice, water, and wind. Assuming half are pluses, the others are enfeeblers? In any case, I have always loved storms and snow. So, on the way up the mountain to go zip-lining, I stared into the approaching dark clouds and thought about stuff. It never did rain, or snow...

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