Aerinravage's GamerCard

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


One might think with a full 8+ hours to spend in Vana'diel that much progress would be made. Nope. I logged in at about 1pm, checked in with Rogues (no parties or events underway) then flagged on both SAM (with a seacom for my other 16-18 melees) and BLM38. Nothing.

While in Jeuno spending my wedding money on Gobbiebag 7, I saw a shout from Splitzy for LB2 help. I was confident I could do *most* of the job solo, so I was hoping whatever he was bringing would balance it out. Turns out he brought PLD55, and a PLD friend called Nichol. But Splitzy didn't have the Vahzl crystal or OP warp. So Nichol made his way directly whilst Splitzy and I took the Long Walk. Splitzy joked that he shouldn't walk behind me because of my tail :3

About 45 minutes later we met back up with Nichol and got Splitzy's crystal. This would be very nice as I tele'd us after each Boreal mob to save walking time.

The first fight was with the Hound, and it was ugly. Not only did it aggro from quite far away before I could buff, hate was everywhere. Both of my companions were trained Paladins, of course. We managed to beat the dog, barely, but nobody two-houred and nobody died.

For the tiger, which also pre-buff aggroed, I asked for no vokes. I was able to hold hate most of the fight and I swear it was much easier that way. The Couerl was even easier, despite aggroing after buffs but before rest. I held hate the entire time and had little to worry about on cure panics or MP.

Also, both Martyr and Devotion were awesome here. And with Nichol subbing Dancer, we had a pretty good healing potential. Maybe could have set primary and secondary heal targets as I know we wound up curing over each other a lot...

Both were exceedingly appreciative of the success, and I think both were pleasantly surprised there was no death in such an underpowered party. No two-hours ^^

At the end of that, Bloomonkey asked for three-mage-gate help, which I offered once I was sure the two Paladins were set. Bloo finished off the Windy quest and went back home whilst I farmed. Two complete runs and not one Gravity! /sigh...

After that I took off. I played DDR for about 30 minutes and then took the boys to dinner. Ape was off with her mom by now, so on returning, I *still* had things to myself. And I spent the time watching Star Trek with the boys. Ape returned home about halfway in with snacks, so we all watched together and nommed. Both boys seemed to really enjoy it, which was good.

After that I watched Tron (scene-skipping and reliving proper arcades with the Clones) and then it was present-wrapping time. Both of us finished our gifts at about 1am and we watched some TV, then I came back out.

By now, the PS3 demos I'd queued up were done and I tried them out. Dante's Inferno earns judgment as a GoW clone, but one with a story I find fascinating. I never read the original poem but now I may have to. Star Trek D-A-C was dull. And GT5 reminds me why I'm done with the series that started my real-life race and technical driving - they've continued with the dumbing-down...

Tomorrow will be almost all family and of course, the next day is Christmas! Dunno when I'll be back on, but soon, friends, soon.

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