Aerinravage's GamerCard

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Getting Personal

Typing blind on a rocket cycle…Don't ask

This entry is not like the others. This is a more personal note about something I care about and have certain experiences in. It's a little deep and a little dark, so be advised efore you read on ^^


For years (far more than I can remember) I’ve lamented that so many girls are so down on themselves. A lot of the girls I’ve known in my life have been overly self-conscious or insecure or whatever about their looks or abilities or whatever.

Last year or so when Dove kicked off their campaign for real women, I was impressed. Recently they started something else – self-esteem workshops for girls so they don’t grow up into the neurotic messes many would otherwise likely become.

I’m not being idealistic here – I know not *every* woman is a goddess with perfect skin and natural talents in life skills (I don’t mean cooking!). But there are so many who sell themselves short it makes baby Aerin cry.

More times than I ever expected, I’ve had to be the rock for someone who was really down. And I don’t mean just blue, or having a rough week. I mean suicidal. Now, not all of these counseling sessions were caused by self esteem. But I’m sure a lack of it played a part in most. People wonder if I’m as calm and balanced IRL as I seem to be in-game. The answer is yes. Like Harry who can see thestrals because he’s known Death, I (for some reason) am very sensitive to others’ emotions, and am an excellent listener. Soooo, either I attract those in need or they seek me out. Either way, I’ve been the “negative emotional energy absorber” for lots of people on many occasions. The worst was when we thought my mom was dying of cancer. My dad was a wreck and my sis wouldn’t stop crying. So it fell to me to keep it together and buttress all of them until the crisis passed. Which for us, thank God, it did.

I’m not sure where I ‘m going with all this, so I hope I can clean it all up in post (-editing). But basically, I just want more people to believe in themselves and enjoy what they have. I think it’s one of the main reasons I focus so much more on party support rather than being a DD stud or whatever. I’ve said it before – helping others enjoy their time here is my big attraction to MMO’s. And helping people enjoy themselves is my big attraction to WHM, and myself.

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